Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antigone Catharsis Analysis Essay - 1138 Words

Sympathy for Others As stated by Sophocles in Antigone, Numberless are the worlds wonders, but none More wonderful than man (Ode 1 1-2). Landscapes like the grand canyon, the wide expanse of oceans, weather, tall mountains are all magnificent features, but none as great as Man. Man is the only thing in this world, that has free will to think about anything or do anything whenever they want to. If one wants to dance, he or she is free to do so, if one wants to sing he or she can do so. Man can also feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, or even confusion. The purging of emotions in reaction to something especially tragedies or music is known as a catharsis. In Antigone by Sophocles, the audience experiences a catharsis for a†¦show more content†¦The bare situation that Antigone is in calls for a purge of emotions from the audience. Her suicide states that she did not want to deal with her life anymore to such an extent that it would be better if she killed herself rather than take her chances. The tone of the moment when the messenger described the scene was one of melancholy and grief for everyone knew exactly what she went through and why. The helplessness of Antigone calls for sympathy from the readers. Haemon is another character who calls for a release of emotions by the audience. As Haemon learns of Antigones rising conflict with Creon over the burial of Polyneicies, Haemon confronts Creon by stating I am your son, Father. You are my guide. You make things clear for me, and I obey you. No marriage means more to me than your continuing wisdom (III 8-10). Haemon is engaged to Antigone, but now knowing that Creon craves for her death of, Haemon chooses to submit to his fathers desires. Haemon gives up his marriage due to his father revealing the love and loyalty Haemon has for his father. The audience lays compassion on Haemon in such a situation where his loyalty to his father costs him the love of his life. Later on in the story, the messenge r comes with grave news to the Choragus which is revealed to be that Haemon is dead; and the hand that killed him Is his own hand (Exodus 19-20). Haemons enormous loveShow MoreRelatedAntigone Character Analysis1422 Words   |  6 Pages Antigone, the final play in a series including Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, discusses the ideas of leadership, family, and choices. It features two central characters: Antigone, a girl who chooses to illegally bury her brother, and Creon, a king who decrees the burial of the brother to be illegal. Upon the first encounter of the text, it appears that Antigone is the â€Å"hero† of the play, but on further analysis, one realizes that the tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, is actually Creon. The ideaRead MoreThe Endings Of Sophocles Antigone919 Words   |  4 Pages Although they are versions of the same play, the endings of Sophocles Antigone and Anne Carson s Antigonick convey contrasting ideas of the power of fate, and its role in tragedy. In Antigone, fate is described as an inevitable, insurmountable aspect of life that cannot be avoided. On the other hand, Antigonick shows fate to be a malleable product which can be controlled by the decisions individuals take in their lives. Through the role of the chorus, the addition of Nick, and the catharsesRead MoreAn Analysis of Two Key Passages in Antigone2661 Words   |  11 PagesAn Analysis of Two Key Passages in Antigone During the Nazi occupation of France, Jean Anouilh produced an adaptation of Sophocles’ tragedy, Antigone, as a representation of the struggle between those collaborating with the occupants and those resisting them. While it is possible to read Anouilh’s Antigone as a ‘texte de la Resistance’, it can also be interpreted as an apologia for the Nazis’ severe, authoritarian behavior. The two key passages selected are crucial to the development of the playRead MoreHumanities Test4641 Words   |  19 PagesShakespeares Falstaff questions the value of: honor 1.   ( T or F ) Aristotle considered plot more important than character or thought. True 2.   ( T or F ) Aristotle was both a theater critic and a philosopher. True 3.   Aristotles famous analysis of tragedy is found in a work called: The Poetics 4.   Aristotles work on comedy is how long? 5 acts long 5. What did the Commedia dellearte specialize in? 6.   What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also foundRead Moretheme of alienation n no where man by kamala markandeya23279 Words   |  94 Pagesï » ¿ANTIGONE KEY LITERARY ELEMENTS SETTING This tragedy is set against the background of the Oedipus legend. It illustrates how the curse on the House of Labdacus (who is the grandson of Cadmus, founder of Thebes, and the father of Laius, whose son is Oedipus) brought about the deaths of Oedipus and his wife-mother, Jocasta, as well as the double fratricide of Eteocles and Polynices. Furthermore, Antigone dies after defying King Creon. The play is set in Thebes, a powerful city-state north of

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