Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Composer Report Ludwig Van Beethoven free essay sample

Ludwig van Beethoven was born. He was an amazing and great classical musical composer, He Is known for being the most famous composer of the classical and romantic periods of music. According to the Enjoyment of Music manual, Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. His father, with his grandfather, was the two singers at the court of a local prince, Frederica Max. (Fernery and Masochism 197). Beethoven began to take an interest in music from an early age. Johann, his father taught him day and night playing music. Unfortunately, Johann had a problem with alcohol and become alcoholic.Johann, who noticed the talent of his son and realized how he was good. Viewing It as Beethoven Immediately will become the next Mozart. At the age of seven, Beethoven already made his first public concert at a place called, Cologne. Due to the alcohol problem of his father, Beethoven began to learn music from a musician named Guttural Neff. While teaching him, Guttural Neff also noticed how talented Beethoven was and predict for his popularity. In 1782, Beethoven published his first work, 9 variations in C minor for Plano on a march by Earnest Shortstops Dressier. Very quickly, Beethoven was known as the new Mozart.In 1787, Beethoven when he wanted to continue his musical education, he was therefore obliged to go to Vienna to study and respond to Mozart. In Vienna, he will receive a letter stating that her mother, her best friend was dying. Beethoven decides to go back quickly in his hometown at the bedside of his mother, who died shortly after his return. This is why Beethoven at a very young age, was forced to support his family because of the constant drunkenness of his father. Beethoven, not even yet at the age of maturity, became assistant organist In the court chapel. One year later, he advanced to become harpsichordist in the court orchestra.Very talented young man, Beethoven had the privilege of playing for the infamous Mozart at the age of seventeen. Mozart also noticed that this young man was exceptionally gifted, commenting to his friends, keep an eye on him; He will make a noise in the world one day. And this he certainly did. Beethoven returned to Vienna in 1972 to continue his musical education. Beethoven never returned to his hometown and stayed in Vienna for a while. The In Vienna, Beethoven had valuable lessons from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Hayden, Johann George Elaboratenesss, Antonio Saltier, and Alloys Forester.Each of them had taught Beethoven something special. Beethoven quickly adopted a reputation as a great pianist, a child prodigy. Everyone in the music industry has learned to admire Beethoven and his talent. After many personal crises in his life, Beethovens music reflects his mood. His masterpiece represented struggle followed by triumph. Later, his Influence has been worked by the ideals of the Enlightenment, which led him to dedicate the symphony Erotica Napoleon. Symphony Ode to Joy was estimated at about the brotherhood of humanity. His works are admired for their intellectual depth, intense expression, and experimental forms.It is considered one of the greatest minds of humanity. His work was ambitious head of the transition between eras of classical and romantic music led Beethovens life of a child to an adult. A overcame alcoholic father; the death of his personal crises, including the loss of his hearing and earned him critical acclaim in social circles. His life ended in 1826 following complications of some chronic health problems and cold. A used his music to preach the art and remains a model for later imposers in the use of classical principles of composition and the use of large-scale structure.Listen Beethoven pieces, I can detect the complexities in his plays that Morris mentioned in the biography. Much of the Juxtaposition of sounds produced, as trill section or happy for the sake of a song in a minor key. Beethoven likes to create a story behind the pieces and forcing them to live. Ludwig van Beethoven pieces several times and many wealthy sections contain extremely fast in the composition. It seems almost impossible for a person to play as fast and always keep the rhythm and beauty of the piece.Biography Morris gave an overview of the historical events that occurred at the time of Beethoven grew the composition and age. I liked the revelation of basic information. He explained why the composer has Mitten special compositions and who or what he wrote. There were stories of impossible love, family life difficult, meditated suicide and the difficulties of losing her hearing at an early age by two means inexplicable. All components of a dramatic novel were contained in these chapters. However, as the history of the biography of Ludwig van Beethoven and the process progressed, it increasingly difficult to read as Tory.It began to seem more like a text book and as if the author was trying to steal too much at once. Overall, I would come back to this biography only to reference facts about Beethoven and the history that was happening and influencing the composer at the time. I found the contents of the biography very useful in learning about the life and conflicts of Ludwig van Beethoven. The famous composer led an interesting and semi-tragic life. Otherwise, I would not sit and read Beethoven: The Universal Composer for personal pleasure. Beethoven presented his first symphony in 1880, the Symphony No. In C major.

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